Retail Insights

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Blog: The Two Words You’ll Be Hearing More of in 2021 Retail

Modern loyalty programs will be a critical tool for retailers to gather the information that will enable them to create personalized journeys which go beyond the “earn and burn” discount programs of the past.

Blog: 2020 Was A Turbulent Year for Retail Trends—And What Does it Mean for 2021?

As we all know, “the times, they are a-changin” and retailers will have to support new types of journeys in 2021 that acknowledge the reduction in physical interactions between consumers and staff while in store,

Blog: Reinventing the Retail Experience Defines 2020 Trends

This was the year of reinvention. That meant rapid adaptation and adoption of digital technologies for retailers. Explore the top 10 insights that defined 2020 from Diebold Nixdorf.

Special Report: Understanding Why Grocery Shoppers Adopt Technology

Learn about the retail tech typology and explore opportunities that retail organizations have to increase the effectiveness of the consumer journey.

Blog: The Importance of Openness in the Future of Retail

As a result of the pandemic, many retailers discovered that they lacked the IT agility to implement changes swiftly and effectively, illuminating a challenge that the industry must address so it can thrive moving forward: the need for an open, flexible infrastructure that can adapt to rapidly evolving customer journeys.

Video: Managing Consumer Traffic
Video: Managing Consumer Traffic

Adapt to the new normal of social distancing with traffic management tool.

Blog: Retail’s Flexibility in Responding to the Current Pandemic

Retail will be one of the most disrupted industries over the next 10 years, which is why retail leaders are urged to move their focus to adaptability. While changing the retail enterprise into a more adaptable one, the consumer experience has become king.

Whitepaper: Storevolution™ Retail in the Age of the Consumer

Learn how Storevolution™ helps retailers design, enable and implement consumer and staff journeys that improve consumer experiences and maximize store efficiencies.

Infographic: Vynamic Engage

Transform real-time data into consumer insights across your entire retail business.

Blog: Retail in Uncharted Territory

Only a few months ago, no one could have predicted the situation we are facing today due to COVID-19. With events rapidly unfolding across the globe, most parts of society have been disrupted, and in particular the retail industry. This article discusses a number of ways retailers are responding to COVID-19 today, and how it may transform and shape the retail industry in the mid-long term.

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