Retail Insights

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Infographic: RIS Targeted Research Streamlining the Store to Simplify Shopping

The Targeted Research examined the self-service paradigm in retail and identified trends in the marketplace.

Blog: 10 Reasons to Get Serious About Mobile Retailing (in Case You Aren’t Already), Part Two

In part two of this series of mobile retailing, we discuss the other 5 reasons the mobile channel shouldn't be treated as an afterthought.

Blog: Relevant Retail—the New Norm

Brick-and-mortar closes deals, but retail journeys begin on mobile and cross over from the real-time digital environment to real-life store experiences that are engaging, hyper-relevant, completely personalized and data-driven. Read more on relevancy, personalization, and the consumer experience.

Blog: Scan, Bag and Go—Self-Scanning Technology Empowers Consumers to Shop with Ease

When consumers can scan, bag and go at a retailer rather than waiting in a cashier line for service, they gain an innovative and personalized shopping experience—and the store reels in more revenue.

Infographic: Vynamic Mobile Retail

Harness the power of digital engagement in retail

Blog: Retail Self-Service: Today, it’s WAY More than Self-Checkout

Smartphones have changed the game. And that means big repercussions for how retailers think about self-service in their stores. Our retail expert takes a look at industry trends.

Special Report: Real-Time Retail

BRP outlines how retailers can deliver seamless customer experiences, and why customers are more likely to choose a retailer that offers a shared cart across channels.

Blog: Three Ways to Improve Loyalty in Fuel & Convenience

Our SME examines three innovations gas stations and convenience stores should consider in order to engage consumers at every point along their journey, which will, in turn, improve loyalty and return visits.

Video: Mobility Empowers Staff and Augments Consumer Interaction
Video: Mobility Empowers Staff and Augments Consumer Interaction

See our DN Vynamic Mobile Retail app in action. This technology allows you to build customer loyalty through frictionless shopping, self-service, biometric payment options, and so much more. We're empowering retailers to create deeper relationships with their customers with tools for the digital age.

Blog: New Consumer Engagement Platforms Offer Retailers a Chance to Elevate the Customer Journey

Consumers use brands as a way to help define their own self-identity. Organizations use brands to outwardly define the culture they would like to propagate. Yet, even branding has become subject to the ever-changing and fickle nature of the consumer. Being afforded with more and more choice, consumers tend to be less loyal and exhibit behaviors of rapid adoption and hyper abandonment. As a result, brands are in a constant battle to keep themselves relevant.

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