Retail Insights

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Blog: 2020 Was A Turbulent Year for Retail Trends—And What Does it Mean for 2021?

As we all know, “the times, they are a-changin” and retailers will have to support new types of journeys in 2021 that acknowledge the reduction in physical interactions between consumers and staff while in store,

Blog: Reinventing the Retail Experience Defines 2020 Trends

This was the year of reinvention. That meant rapid adaptation and adoption of digital technologies for retailers. Explore the top 10 insights that defined 2020 from Diebold Nixdorf.

Blog: The Times, They Are a-Changin’

Due to COVID-19, fuel & convenience retailers need new technologies that promote low- and no- contact shopping journey's.

Blog: Covid-19 Requires Retailers to Rethink the Concept of “Availability”

Beat consumers’ expectations with self-service solutions that are “always on”

Blog: The Importance of Openness in the Future of Retail

As a result of the pandemic, many retailers discovered that they lacked the IT agility to implement changes swiftly and effectively, illuminating a challenge that the industry must address so it can thrive moving forward: the need for an open, flexible infrastructure that can adapt to rapidly evolving customer journeys.

Blog: The Guiding Principle Your Retail Organization Needs During and After COVID-19

No one could have predicted a situation of lock-downs on a global scale, impacting billions of people in their daily lives. Yet, it raises the question: how we can anticipate these type of events? How we can formulate a strategy in the face of uncertainty? Openness will be the guiding principle on top of which you can leverage and extend new services to consumers in the fastest possible way

Blog: Preparing for the Post-Pandemic Environment Will Test Retailers’ Flexibility

Given public health officials' recommendations regarding social distancing and minimizing contact with individuals outside the household, self-service checkout is a perfect example of how store digitalization can facilitate important adjustments to the shopping experience.

Blog: Facing the “New Normal” in Retail: Manage Consumer Traffic to Improve Business and Ensure Social Distancing

Having accurate retail occupancy data is a must. There are simple and non-intrusive solutions on the market that do not require staff members to watch the entrance at all times. Real-time occupancy counting and monitoring technologies are available that are reliable and can be installed quickly.

Blog: Storevolution™ Applied in Real Life

In a previous blog article, we looked at Storevolution™ as an approach and a program to support retailers coping with continuously changing processes in retail. In this blog we take a closer look at two real-life examples in which the Storevolution approach was applied in practice.

Blog: Retail’s Flexibility in Responding to the Current Pandemic

Retail will be one of the most disrupted industries over the next 10 years, which is why retail leaders are urged to move their focus to adaptability. While changing the retail enterprise into a more adaptable one, the consumer experience has become king.

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