Retail Insights

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Blog: Overcoming Pain Points in Self-Service Implementation

Discover the power of self-service technology in retail through the lens of our field expert with an in-depth exploration of retail implementation challenges and solutions. Read more on how to tackle integration complexities to prioritizing user experience, uptime reliability and maximizing return on investment.

Video: EDEKA Jaeger Transforms 24/7 Shopping Through Self-Service
Video: EDEKA Jaeger Transforms 24/7 Shopping Through Self-Service

Discover the future of convenience in the 24/7 self-service store concept for EDEKA Jaeger at the Stuttgart airport. Learn how Diebold Nixdorf's cutting-edge technology, powered through our self-checkout solutions, optimized the shopping experience for its customers during and outside of peak hours.

Video: M&S Enhances Customer Experience with Diebold Nixdorf Self-Checkout Solutions
Video: M&S Enhances Customer Experience with Diebold Nixdorf Self-Checkout Solutions

Marks & Spencer has revolutionized its checkout journeys by implementing Diebold Nixdorf self-service technology solutions. This has led to a significantly improved and highly adaptable checkout experience, delighting customers across all departments, including grocery, fashion and the café.

Video: Transform the In-Store Shopping Experience With Mobile Consumer Journeys
Video: Transform the In-Store Shopping Experience With Mobile Consumer Journeys

Empower your customers to scan items on their own— via their own smartphone or a retailer-owned device. Open API multivendor software allows customers to keep track of their basket size while enjoying personalized recommendations and coupons on the go.

Case Study: Edeka Paschmann Expands its Self-Checkout Concept

Learn how Edeka Paschmann strategic partnership with Diebold Nixdorf allows them to deliver a unique shopping experience to the customers.

Video: Create Service-Focused Environments with Mobile Associate Journeys
Video: Create Service-Focused Environments with Mobile Associate Journeys

Retail associates are expected to provide exceptional customer service while juggling pricing, inventory, queue-busting and more. Empower your associates to meet those demands simultaneously with mobile devices that can orchestrate customer-facing tasks, facilitate store management duties, or simply connect them to customers when service is needed.

Blog: Closing the Gap Between Increasing Demand and Decreasing Staff

Orchestrating all mobiles journeys for customers and associates alike can be tricky and requires a clever strategy upfront. It’s recommended to think upfront about how to proactively monitor your mobile retail ecosystem before hiccups happen, and how to make use of the wealth of real-time data you collect as a retailer.

Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

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