Retail Insights

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Video: EDEKA Jaeger Transforms 24/7 Shopping Through Self-Service
Video: EDEKA Jaeger Transforms 24/7 Shopping Through Self-Service

Discover the future of convenience in the 24/7 self-service store concept for EDEKA Jaeger at the Stuttgart airport. Learn how Diebold Nixdorf's cutting-edge technology, powered through our self-checkout solutions, optimized the shopping experience for its customers during and outside of peak hours.

Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions
Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions

Do you feel locked in with your current self-service vendor? There’s another way. Find out how to be hardware and software agnostic.

Whitepaper: The Future of Retail is Modular

Explore how modularity can help retailers offer consumers more choice in their personal shopping experiences.

Whitepaper: Storevolution™ Retail in the Age of the Consumer

Learn how Storevolution™ helps retailers design, enable and implement consumer and staff journeys that improve consumer experiences and maximize store efficiencies.

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