Retail Insights

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Blog: The Times, They Are a-Changin’

Due to COVID-19, fuel & convenience retailers need new technologies that promote low- and no- contact shopping journey's.

Blog: The Guiding Principle Your Retail Organization Needs During and After COVID-19

No one could have predicted a situation of lock-downs on a global scale, impacting billions of people in their daily lives. Yet, it raises the question: how we can anticipate these type of events? How we can formulate a strategy in the face of uncertainty? Openness will be the guiding principle on top of which you can leverage and extend new services to consumers in the fastest possible way

Blog: Storevolution™ Applied in Real Life

In a previous blog article, we looked at Storevolution™ as an approach and a program to support retailers coping with continuously changing processes in retail. In this blog we take a closer look at two real-life examples in which the Storevolution approach was applied in practice.

Blog: How Retailers Can Deliver the Item at the Top of Shoppers Lists

Designing self-service shopping journeys can play a pivotal role in making sure shoppers find the items they need and checkout as efficiently and quickly as possible – effectively bolstering customer loyalty and driving sales.

Blog: The Store of the Future offers Proximity, Speed and Convenience

C-stores already have the proximity and are located on prime locations – all they need now is to double down on speed and convenience to become an absolute winner in today’s changing retail landscape!

Blog: NACS 2019: My Three Takeaways on Trends and Innovations in the Fuel & Convenience Market

The fuel and convenience industry focus is shifting in response to emerging customer trends. Our retail expert shares his three takeaways from NACS 2019.

Blog: Self-Service in Convenience Retail: What Do Location, Speed and Food Have In Common?

The convenience retail industry is experiencing explosive growth. Our retail expert explores what it means to offer a convenient experience in today’s hyper-fast, hyper-connected world.

Blog: 10 Reasons to Get Serious About Mobile Retailing (in Case You Aren’t Already), Part Two

In part two of this series of mobile retailing, we discuss the other 5 reasons the mobile channel shouldn't be treated as an afterthought.

Blog: Finally, Connect the Shopping Journey from Digital Browsing to In-Store Purchasing

This blog was co-authored by Google’s Head of Local Shopping, Nathalie Walton, and DN’s Senior Director of Business Development, Douglas Hartung.

Blog: Containerization: The perfect mechanism for the deployment and orchestration of microservices.

In part two of our blog series on microservices, we discuss how to use containerization as a means to deploy and orchestrate microservices.

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