Retail Insights

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Video: Transform the In-Store Shopping Experience With Mobile Consumer Journeys
Video: Transform the In-Store Shopping Experience With Mobile Consumer Journeys

Empower your customers to scan items on their own— via their own smartphone or a retailer-owned device. Open API multivendor software allows customers to keep track of their basket size while enjoying personalized recommendations and coupons on the go.

Case Study: Edeka Paschmann Expands its Self-Checkout Concept

Learn how Edeka Paschmann strategic partnership with Diebold Nixdorf allows them to deliver a unique shopping experience to the customers.

Video: Services für E-Ladestationen
Video: Services für E-Ladestationen

Erfahren Sie, wie das DN AllConnectSM Services-Team Ihre E-Ladestationen unterstützen kann.

Video: Create Service-Focused Environments with Mobile Associate Journeys
Video: Create Service-Focused Environments with Mobile Associate Journeys

Retail associates are expected to provide exceptional customer service while juggling pricing, inventory, queue-busting and more. Empower your associates to meet those demands simultaneously with mobile devices that can orchestrate customer-facing tasks, facilitate store management duties, or simply connect them to customers when service is needed.

Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

Blog: EV Charging: Is this the right time to invest in EV charging stations?

As electric vehicles (EVs) head toward a tipping point, the question now is how can service station owners leverage the full potential of EV charging.

Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions
Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions

Do you feel locked in with your current self-service vendor? There’s another way. Find out how to be hardware and software agnostic.

Blog: The Topic of the Time is Retail Sustainability

Efficient, optimized checkout solutions can underpin sustainability initiatives, especially when they’re designed with sustainability at the forefront throughout every phase of the product lifecycle—from product planning, development, production, logistics, operation, service and maintenance to POS.

Blog: Retail mobile journeys: a smarter shopping experience for customers and associates

When it comes to the future of retail shopping, enabling mobile journeys is the next step forward—with store-owned personal shopping devices playing a central role in enticing, exciting and engaging consumers.

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