Retail Insights

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Blog: How Managed Services Improve Business Continuity for Convenience Retailers

In today’s 24/7 non-stop digitized economy, system downtime is pretty close to a deadly sin. Or at least a costly sin. Business continuity in the retail store is crucial for higher revenues, loyal customers, and efficient store staff.

Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions
Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions

Do you feel locked in with your current self-service vendor? There’s another way. Find out how to be hardware and software agnostic.

Case Study: Advancing the Self-Service Journey with Customer-Centric Check-Out Technology

Learn how tegut partnered with Diebold Nixdorf during a recent expansion phase to create a strategic, comprehensive approach to modern checkout.

Case Study: Flexibility and Seamless Implementation are Key

Co-Op UK recognized their hardware was quickly becoming obsolete. Diebold Nixdorf helped identify an end-to-end systems upgrade, including a modular retail POS system.

Whitepaper: The Future of Retail is Modular

Explore how modularity can help retailers offer consumers more choice in their personal shopping experiences.

Blog: 2020 Was A Turbulent Year for Retail Trends—And What Does it Mean for 2021?

As we all know, “the times, they are a-changin” and retailers will have to support new types of journeys in 2021 that acknowledge the reduction in physical interactions between consumers and staff while in store,

Blog: Reinventing the Retail Experience Defines 2020 Trends

This was the year of reinvention. That meant rapid adaptation and adoption of digital technologies for retailers. Explore the top 10 insights that defined 2020 from Diebold Nixdorf.

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