Banking Insights

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Blog: The New Age of Teller Automation

Despite the growing popularity of digital channels many consumers still like – and expect – to interact with a teller on a regular basis. How can financial institutions offer this service and position themselves as a trusted partner that values a personal relationship with their customers amid the high pressure to safe costs?

Blog: The Trends Driving Real Change in Europe Right Now

Financial institutions need to be responsive and adaptive to key trends within the market. In this blog we review three key areas of focus that are delivering tangible results across Europe right now.

Blog: The Future of the Self-Service Channel: Differentiating for Growth while Maximizing Effectiveness

Be it driving growth or reducing costs, modern technology enables financial institution to transform their operations while fulfilling their consumers’ needs for innovation, security, and flexibility. Change must occur to meet the requirements of more digital-oriented consumers and compete with other digital-only competitors.

Blog: Expand your reach with off-premise ATMs

Today, conveniently placed off-premise ATMs are becoming the go-to channel for physical fulfillment. With new capabilities, open APIs and flexibility that far exceeds legacy infrastructure, modern ATMs enable FIs to leapfrog over the limitations that have hampered their modernization efforts in the past.

Blog: Availability is Key

Times have changed and changing the financial services provider has become much more easy and more common than it was a few years ago. All the more reason to keep consumers happy and avoid any kind of frustration like Out-of-service ATMs. Keeping you ATM fleet running 24/7 is the goal, but how to get there?

Blog: Five Transformational Tweaks for Your Self-Service Channel Strategy

Although digital and automated transactions are growing, it doesn’t mean that banks can’t provide unique experiences at these channels while maximizing opportunities to generate leads, cross-sell and reinforce cross-channel richness.

Blog: Self-Service Cash Recycling – An Opportunity with Growing Interest Worldwide

Despite the growing use of digital payments, cash will remain an important payment method; we’re seeing an increase in cash deposits, laying the foundation for a business case for cash recycling.

Blog:  I’ve Been on Both Sides of the Small-Business/Bank Relationship. Here’s What I See Happening in the Industry.

Bankers and small-business owners have some interesting commonalities. Most small business owners are looking for anything that can make their day-to-day business easier. Interestingly enough, FIs are now finding themselves with some of the same concerns as small businesses – limited resources and virtual access to services and data, along with a re-prioritized need to transform how they conduct business and serve their customers.

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